graphic novels, performance, sounds is the internet home for all of my creative projects, with pages devoted to each and every aspect of my work. Please read some samples of my comics, listen to some of my sonic compositions, read about and view excerpts from my performance pieces.

is a Tulsa-based illustrator, performer, writer, director, cartoonist, and calligrapher. He dabbles in medieval history, the occult, theatre, and any of a number of other enterprises.
He is currently teaching at the University of Tulsa and Lesley University in Boston.
Carl also performs weird noise music, solo as Open Casket Soundsystem, with Ashley Apodaca as A MAGPIE & A CROW, and with Todd Woodlan as TIRED OCEAN.
Carl and Todd also run ONE AUX, an open-signup showcase and microlabel for Tulsa's weirdest soundmakers.
Carl earned his Master's of Fine Arts in Cartooning at the Center for Cartoon Studies in 2011, and his Bachelor of Arts in Studio Arts and English Literature from Austin College in 2008. He recommends both institutions highly.